Free Vaccines For All – Ultimatum by Rahul Ghandy?


Free Vaccines For All – Ultimatum by Rahul Ghandy?


                Quite irresponsible it is by Rahul Ghandy to give ultimatum to Modi-Led NDA Government to provide “Free Vaccines for All”. Does RG realize the costs of such a venture. Also, his “Chamchas or Sycophants” around him claiming to be experts of “Governance” having presided over the “Himalayan Mess” in the Health Sector


                Even a class 5 student will give the costs of such a “Free Vaccines For All” demand. At present, India’s estimated population is over 139 Crores as in 2022 (Worldometer as on 26 April, 2021 - 1,391,049,556). The cost of covishield is  Rs.150/- per injection. For two doses, it will be Rs.300/-.


                If so, the total cost amounts to 139x300= Rs. 41700/- crores. The Union Health Ministry clarified on Saturday that its procurement price for the vaccines — Covaxin and Covishield — remains the same at ₹150 a dose, and it will continue to provide them free to States.


                Even the call for “One Nation, One Vaccine” price is quite idiotic. If the Vaccine manufacturers like Covaxin, Sputnik V, J & J, Pfizer, and others want graded costing for States and Corporate Hospitals, be it so for they have to meet their production costs and profits.  Thus, the variation in cost from free to Rs.2400/- per dose.


                Shame it is for Rahul Ghandy and the opposition parties to give ultimatum to Modi-led NDA government to demand “Free Vaccines for All”.  Can Indian tax payers, particularly over  60 crores middle class people continue to bear the tax burden, when such super rich woman like Sonia Ghandy, freebie enjoying people like Rahul Ghandy and the political class shamelessly splurge tax payers money in extravaganza.


                Leaders must lead by setting example. Of course, such an expectation from Indian political leaders is impossible expectation. Indian political leaders are past masters of looting and scooting taxpayers money.


                Not a single political leader, majority  super rich crooks, MPs, MLAs, MLCs etc., had out of free will declared until now not to draw salary and perks for at least one full year.


                During April 2020, Rs 7,800 crore that was available to members of parliament as part of the ‘Members of Parliament Local Area Development Scheme’ (MPLADS) was taken over by the government. The cabinet approved that MPLADS funds be made non-operational for two years, in order to “strengthen Government’s efforts in managing the challenges and adverse impact of COVID19 in the country”.  Now, the duration may be extended till the end of the Parliament’s term in 2024.


                What about the State government taking over the MLA/MLC constituency funds?


                During 2020, the salaries and allowances of parliamentarians was reduced to 30% only. Why not 100% in the current financial year?


                My appeal to Modi is to set example by unilaterally declaring not to draw salaries and perks for one year. Hopefully, others will follow.


                In particular, even the HAG Grade Pay government officers surely can donate one month’s salary. So also, on graded basis, all those in government services can easily donate salary.  In fact, their associations must unilaterally fix and donate their salary.


                Even the Honourable Judges of Supreme Court, High Courts and District Courts and the senior lawyers must donate to the PM-Cares Fund.


                Surely all of them must pay for the “Vaccine Doses” instead of demanding free vaccines.


                Furthermore, all pensioners paying income tax should be levied 5% Covid Cess.


                The more I reflect the more I am convinced that only the BPL families should be extended the benefit of “Free Vaccines”.


                The “Freebies” political leaders class must stop playing “appeasement-vote bank” politics which would have tremendous adverse impact on the economy in the long run and contra national security interests. 


                My sincere appeal to political class is to stop playing vicious politics over the issue “Free Vaccines for All” and “One Nation, One Vaccine” price.       


Article by Brig (Retd) G B Reddy Sir

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