Is Modern Indian Society/Nation on the Brink of Collapse?


Is Modern Indian Society/Nation on the Brink of Collapse?

                West Bengal Elections outcome – Historic milestone in Independent India’s history!

                Muslims have won due to unity; Hindus have lost due to disunity. 

                How true is the lamentation of Veer Savarkar “I am not afraid of Muslims; I am not afraid of Britishers; But I am afraid of Hindus against Hinduism.  Biggest enemies of Hindus are Hindus, within and without.”

                TMC has won; BJP and all other parties have lost with the Congress Party and the Left Parties wiped out.

                Mamata Banerjee has lost; so also, Modi-Amit Shah have lost. It is time for “HEADS” to roll in the BJP for the ignominious defeat.

                Ironic it is to watch Mamata Didi walking around freely after having campaigned on a “Wheel Chair” throughout – great actress she is to fool people and gain sympathy.

                Joy Bangla, the controversial salutation, slogan and war cry used in Bangladesh and West Bengal, Tripura, Barak Valley and Manbhum ... has won. Is it relaying the foundation for “Amar Sonar Bangla” by merger of all Bengali speaking people to include Bangladesh?

                The historic precedent of the first Partition of Bengal (1905), a territorial reorganization of the Bengal Presidency implemented by the authorities of the British Raj, but undone a mere six years later is the key lesson of history.

                Noakhali communal riots are a past precedent as to how communal conflagration can flare up.  Today, there are no Gandhi’s to undertake hunger strike in Kolkata. I dare challenge Modi or Amit Shah or Rahul Ghandy or Sitaram yechury to go undertake a fast unto death. Even if someone attempts, communal groups are unlikely to heed to sane voices. Such is the emotionally charged vicious environment.

                Be that as it may, modern Indian Nation/Society is virtually on the brink of collapse. Yet another partition on communal-cum cultural lines cannot be ruled out in posterity. Demographics have their own logic in reshaping the borders of nations. The exodus of Hindu Bengalis that has been taking place over the past many decades may henceforth become a horror prospect.

                 In the past, even civilizations collapsed due to five factors: uncontrollable population movements; new epidemic diseases; failing states leading to increased warfare; collapse of trade routes; and culture conflicts.

                Ipso facto, India is facing the inevitability of Malthusian catastrophe with overpopulation and resource depletion contributing to eventual collapse. Compounding them is the systemic failure of established institutions of democracy working at cross-purposes with each other.

                Even modern nation-states based on the concept of “Union” like India will also collapse when the advantages of remaining in the democratic political order declines.

                Experts have identified several reasons for the collapse of nations/regimes. Some of the common ones include: demographic transitions, concentration of wealth and power in the few, rampant corruption, mass poverty, cultural differences, security forces overstretch beyond economic sustaining capability, over taxation, oppression, unfair trade restrictions, oppression, and wrong policy decisions and poor implementation conjointly contribute to the collapse of nations.

                Over the past 74-years, the Indian democratic systems has failed to control the increase of population due to minority appeasement vote bank politics – 34 crores to 140 crores and failed to manage its natural resources in rational ways. Due to loot and scoot of raw materials aided and abetted by vested political interests, their availability is virtually scarce.

                Also, societies have also collapsed through deforestation, loss of soil fertility, restrictions of trade and/or rising endemic violence. Post election results declaration violence in West Bengal is a good example.

                The modern Indian society is extraordinarily divers and pluralist by nature and character -   often invoked by experts as multi-ethnic, multi-religious, multi-lingual, and multi-cultural society  vulnerable what with economical, environmental, demographic, social and cultural cascading into one another, and building up to the point that could overwhelm any mechanisms that would otherwise maintain stability. Unexpected and abrupt changes like a natural disaster (e.g. Covid-19 Pandemic, tsunami, earthquake, massive fire or climate change) may precipitate a collapse.

                In retrospect, modern India is experiencing societal collapse (also known as civilization collapse) characterized by the loss of cultural identity and of socioeconomic complexity. A collapsed society may revert to a more primitive state, be absorbed into a stronger society, or completely disappear. The rise of violence is quite evident in all corners of the nation.

                Societal collapse is generally a quick process, but rarely abrupt. Mankind’s history abundantly proves that virtually all civilizations have suffered fate regardless of size or complexity. But some revived and transformed, such as China and Egypt, while others never recovered, such as the Mayan Empire and the civilization on Easter Island. Yet some have not collapsed but have only gradually faded away, as in the case of the British Empire since 1918.

                There are exhaustive studies and commentaries indicating accelerating cycle of rise and decline of empires/dynasties. The twentieth century saw the collapse of seven great empires - Mandarin China, Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Turkey, Japan, the British empire, and twice over in the case of Tsarist and Soviet Russia.

                As per late Sir John Bagot Glubb, specialist on the subject, the average age of empires is 250 years. After that, empires always die, often slowly but overwhelmingly from overreaching in the search for power. Gradual disintegration, not sudden catastrophic collapse, is the way civilizations end. Greer estimates that it takes, on average, about 250 years for civilizations to decline and fall, and he finds no reason why modern civilization shouldn't follow this “usual timeline.”

                Alarmist it may appear, some experts have expressed concern over whether America of 1776 will reach its 250th year in 2026 with its borders secure as they exist today. Fissiparous and separatist forces are everywhere in pursuit of sovereignty – J & K; Khalistan; and so on.

                Lessons of India’s history are glaringly conspicuous for short durations of dynasties/regimes. For example, the study of the 10 Magadha dynasties (c 2000 BCE-605 CE) clearly reveals that apart from the Brihadratha Dynasty (c. 2000-682 BCE), all other dynasties ruled only for short periods ranging from 47 years (Kanva dynasty c. 73–26 BCE) to 365 year (Gupta dynasty c. 240–605 CE). All other 8 dynasties did not cross the 100 years mark.  Similarly, the period of rule by dynasties during the Sultanate rule in Delhi was below 100-years mark.

                An in depth review of empires/dynasties in India clearly reveals that many of them had very short lives.

                The Congress Party/Nehru-Ghandy dynasty is facing the prospects of virtual collapse. Similarly, the Left Parties are also declining.  Regional parties/Satraps are consolidating power at the cost of the only one National Party – the BJP.

                The moot issue that arises now is the probability of borders of modern India remaining as they exist today due to uncontrolled demographic transitions inducing identity crises, poverty, unemployment, rapidly depleting raw material reserves and cultural conflicts due to democratic politics.


                Never too late for Modi-Amit Shah to realize that “Appeasement” by slogans like “Sabke Sath, Sabke Vikash, and Sabke Viswas” will not work howsoever they may attempt to replicate the “Gujarat” model in other states.


                Amit Shah, the Home Minister, has dismally failed to protect the BJP Hindu supporters. If he has any sense of shame, self respect and consciousness, he must honorably resign and renounce politics.


                Even Modi needs to assert himself to protect the Hindu’s from the onslaught of Muslim hordes in West Bengal. If he fails to do so, time will run out for him with Hindutva ideologues abandoning him.


                Be that as it may, the traitors of the modern India are Prashant Kishore and his IPAC Team – ala modern day Jaichandras. Realizing the likelihood of Hindu backlash from Hindutva radicals, Kishore has announced renouncement from consultation politics. It is only a temporary withdrawal. It is no “Eureka” that Muslim will win if there are 30% Muslim voters in a constituency because of Hindu divide.


                Never too late for Hindutva high pundits to identify all traitors and take appropriate action. Alongside, they must continue to forge unity among the Hindus cutting across castes and tribes lest modern India collapses and Hinduism, the only surviving ancient religion, too fades away into oblivion. 

Article by Brig (Retd) G B Reddy Sir

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