Hindu Cowardice on Display Why Demographics Will Drive Internal Security Crises – Second Partition Inevitability


Hindu Cowardice on Display

Why Demographics Will Drive Internal Security Crises – Second Partition Inevitability

            Pre-Script:  Times of India - BJP national president J P Nadda – “more than 80,000 people abandoned their homes in the wake of post-poll violence in Bengal. Village after village was ransacked in Gosaba, Sandeshkhali, East Canning. People from Cooch Behar had to take refuge in neighbouring Assam. … He was in no mood to demand President’s Rule in Bengal.”


            BJP, led by Modi_Amit-Shah-Nadda - are proving themselves as cowards.  As leaders, they along with 77 elected MLAs should be moving with those who have fled their homes into Assam, and lead them back in force to their homes and drive all those goons to wherever they rightly belong to.  Constitution is the worst fraud perpetrated on Hindus. 77 MLAs must not take oath and be prepared to submit their resignations.


            Either assert the power by leading from the front or abandon/flee the battlefield thereby making way to strong leadership. Don’t squander another opportunity to induce reverse migration.


Remember always the key lesson of history: “Demographics are the destiny of geopolitics. Increasingly, demographics are driving internal security crises globally with India being no exception.

Islam is the fastest-growing religion in Europe according to the Pew Research Center. Islam and migration are highly debated “hot issues”. Europeans are under threat from “those foreigners” who are also “stealing  jobs”.

So also, Islam is the fastest growing religion in India.  Going by trend analysis, demographics are driving internal security crises in India paving the way to the inevitability of “Second Partition”.  Wake-up political leaders, parties, media and judiciary to emerging grim prospects lest you go down into the dustbin of India’s history as also rans!

Thus, the view through the prism of Indian history clearly provides the prospects of the “Second Partition” sooner than later due to Weak-kneed leadership at Delhi and strong regional Satraps asserting their authority.

In India, hardly there is concern expressed by experts and think tanks in Delhi about the Muslim insidious and ubiquitous flooding of the “gateway to Siliguri Corridor” that would cut-off Assam and Sikkim from the India’s mainland.  As per 2011 Census, three districts of West Bengal (Uttar Dinajpur - 49.94% , Malda - 51.27%, Mushirabad - 66.88%) along with four adjoining  districts of Bihar (Kishanganj – 68%, Katihar  - 43%, Purnea – 38% and Araria – 42% ) conjointly block the “Siliguri Corridor” considered as the key strategic choke point to the North East. 

In 1950 after partition, the Muslim population in the four districts of Bihar: Kishanganj – 6.5%, Katihar  - 7.8%, Purnea – 7.2% and Araria – 6.9% only. Similarly, the Muslim population of three districts in Wes Bengal was below 25% only. Before partition in 1946, Muslim population was 30.32%. After partition, it was 19.85% in 1951. Muslim population has increased to over 30% by 2021 in West Bengal paving the way for another partition if the Muslim appeasement and illegal migrations are allowed to continue.

   “Demography is a drama in slow motion” is a succinct reality. Changes in the size, capabilities, and characteristics of national populations provide a clue to the geopolitics re-shaping India.  Porous borders have given impetus to an unprecedented wave of migrations, both legal and illegal, threatening social, political and economic equilibrium of India.

Lost and squandered opportunities by the Nehru-Gandhi dynasty and Mamata Banerjee rule by not maintaining the inherited equilibrium on partition. The trends clearly shows that the maximum increase of Muslim population was during 1981-1991 (+2.9%) and 2011-2021 (+2.99%). Thus, the inevitability of second partition in short and midterm contexts is beyond doubt.

The real strategic challenge confronting India today is, therefore, how to arrest and reverse “Demographic Transitions” to include population explosion, migrations (legal and illegal) and identity crises. Hindu exodus or fleeing particularly from West Bengal Muslim majority districts must be stopped at all costs.  

Next, the rapid depletion of natural resources, unemployment and mass poverty are grim realities. Cumulatively, they contribute to the explosion of internal security crises. West Bengal is emerging as the most internal security threat in being and making. Let none suffer from illusions including Mamata Banerjee.


With the likelihood of formation of “Federal Front” under the stewardship of Mamata Banerjee, and the condescending, weak and spineless leadership at Delhi, the oft repeated lesson of India’s history of disintegration under regional satraps is a foregone conclusion.


Let me briefly review India’s population growth data that includes: 36 crores 1951; 43.9 crores in 1961; 54.8 crores in 1971; 68.3 crores in 1981; 84.6 crores in 1991; 102.8 crores in 2001; 121 crores in 2011; and 139.2 crores as on 5 May 2021.


Also, the growth rates of Hinduism and Islam that includes: Hinduism decrease from 84% in 1951 to 79.80% in 2011; and Islam increase from 9.80% in 1951 to 14.23% in 2011;


The real concern is the Muslim fertility rate.  While the national average is 2.2 children per woman, Muslims have the highest fertility rate (2.6) and Hindus (2.1). According to data from Census of India, Muslim population is estimated to be 14.6 crores in 2021 (out of 139.2 crores). The acerbic leader Asaduddin Owaisi claims higher number of Muslims over 19% today, that is, around 23 crores as on date with almost 5% unadjusted Muslim population not featuring.


Also, there are Muslim strongholds in cities and towns across the country – Mini Pakistan’s and hotbeds of Jihadist radicalism – like Hyderabad, Ahmadabad, and Bengaluru etc. Mumbai has areas with a high concentration of Muslims in Nagpada, Byculla, Mazgaon, Mahim, Bharat Nagar, Behrampada, Jogeshwari, Millat Nagar, Kurla, Sonapur-Bhandup, Govandi, Cheeta Camp, and Kidwai Nagar (Wadala East).

Ipso facto, Muslim politics of appeasement and polarization run riot in 5 states of West Bengal, Assam, Kerala, Uttar Pradesh and Bihar what with nearly 63% of Muslims residing in them. The growth data of Muslim population in West Bengal and Assam is certainly a matter of national security concern.

In West Bengal, Muslims constituted 19.85% in 1951; and 27.01% (2.45 crores in real numbers out of total 9.12 crores) in 2011. According to the (2021) estimation, the West Bengal state has over 30,268,985 Muslims, who form 30% of the state's population.

Most important, they are concentrated mostly in six of the state’s total 23 districts: Murshidabad (66.88% Muslim population – 22 seats), Malda (51.27% Muslim population – 12 seats), South 24-Parganas (35.57% Muslim population – 31 seats), North 24-Parganas (25.82% Muslim population – 33 seats), Uttar Dinajpur (49.94% Muslim population – 9 seats), and Birbhum (37.06% Muslim population - 11 seats).

In the six districts taken together, Muslims make up 42.04% of the population and the total seats are 118. If the districts of Paschim and Purva Bardaman (25 seats) and Howrah  (14 seats), which have a significant Muslim population, are added the total is 143 seat almost close to half way mark. Even Koch Bihar has  25.54% Muslim population.

In Assam too Islam is the fastest growing religion. In 1951, Muslims accounted 0.199 crores constituting 17.62%. As per 2011 census, Muslims accounted 1.068 crores out of total population of 3.12 crores constituting 34.22%of its population. The estimated Muslim population for upcoming 2021 census is 1.402 crores out of 3.654 crores total population, making up 40.03% of the state population.


9 out of 27 districts particularly bordering Bangladesh, have significant Muslim majority population (Over 50%): Dhubri - 79.67% (5 seats); Barpeta - 70.74% (6 seats); Darrang - 64.34% (4 seats); Hailakandi - 60.31% (3 seats) ; Goalpara - 57.52% (4 seats); Karimganj - 56.36% (5 seats); Nagaon - 55.36% (8 seats); Morigaon - 52.56% (3 seats); and Bongaigaon - 50.22% (3 seats). Three districts have over 30% Muslim population to include: Cachar - 37.71% (7 seats); Kamrup - 39.66% (10 seats); and Nalbari - 35.96% (3 seats). Kokrajhar district also closely follows one-third Muslim population (3 seats).


Thus, the total of 64 seats out of total 126 seats.


Even in Kerala, the Muslim surge is real – from 0.78 crores in 2001 to 0.88 crores in 2011. Whereas, the Hindu population has declined from 1.82 crores in 2001 to 1.78 crores in 2011.


And, Muslims are in significant numbers to influence outcome of elections in districts to include: Mallapuram – 70.24% (16 seats); Kozhikode – 39.24% (13 seats); Kasargod – 37.24% (5 seats); Kannur – 29.43% (11 seats); Palakkad – 28.93% (12 seats); and Waynad – 28.65% (3 seats) – 60 seats out of total 140.


No wonder, political parties and their leaders have been playing “Vote Bank” politics - appeasing and polarizing the Muslims. Mamata Banerjee, Chief Minister of West Bengal, cannot but help championing the Muslim cause lest she and her party are thrown out in elections.


As per empirical studies, left leaning experts believe that the Hindu majority falling below the 80% mark should not be viewed as a cause for concern. By using different growth rates, they show that Indian Muslims becoming the largest community is quite far-fetched. The Hindu growth rate is 1.55% annually, while Muslims’ is 2.2%. If the decline in growth rates persists (both continue to grow at slower rates), both Hindu and Muslim populations will hit a peak in 2061.


As per them, Muslims will number 29.24 crores and Hindus 140.25 crores. India’s overall population at that time would be 173.03 crores with the Muslim proportion at 16.89%. Hindus will actually account for 81.06% at that time. What they fail to admit is the possibility of India’s population reaching 200 crores by 2050, if the current slow decline in growth rate continues.


Viewed in the above growth estimates of population in the Indian context and content, religious fundamentalism is bound to engulf Indian society  between “We” and “They” on religious lines unless there is a ‘sea change’ in the behavior patterns of different religious communities. Judging by the past record, it is unlikely that they would respect each other's religious faiths in an atmosphere of “Tolerance”.


In sum, the prospects of inter and intra religious crises and conflicts proliferation and escalation is, therefore, a distinct prospect in India.


West Bengal post election result violence is a grim indicator of horrendous genocide in posterity – a la second partition carnage of Hindus.  Wake up Hindu’s before it is too late. Don’t be cowards and migrate to other states. Instead Bengali Hindu’s cutting across castes must unite and dump the so called “Tolerance” as virtue and rally and adopt “an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth” posture in posterity.    


(Judiciary needs to review the whole issue with national security strategy experts with a view to keep abreast with threats undermining the Constitution). Someone with access may pass this perspective to the CJI and the SC Bar Council.

Article by Brig (Retd) G B Reddy Sir 


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