Modern India’s Course to Traverse!


Modern India’s Course to Traverse!


What one observes daily is leadership's sole aim to garner prime spaces to make headlines as the champions of the downtrodden on TV, mobile phones and social media networks.  None is concerned about its future course to traverse and its national security interests in a long term context.


Politics of decency – statesmanship – is an illusion or mirage. Spurned by the media, political parties and leaders hurl abuses making allegations and counter allegations at each other in daily rallies/media briefings. Ipso facto, the media is providing the fuel to the volcanic fire.


'Today's enemies can be your friends tomorrow. And today's friends can be tomorrow's enemies. In Indian politics, today's opponents can be your allies tomorrow. For there are many political leaders switching parties: “Aaya Ram; Gaya Ram”. It is despite the passage of an anti-defection law in 1985. The only ideology political leaders believe is the ideology of “Power”.


Power affliction is contagious for it paves the way for wealth and status. Today, the majority do not enter politics out of a sense of duty to the society and the nation. And, the few visionary leaders in making are usually swept aside by the majority of leaders inflicted with “I-Me-Myself” obsession.


In retrospect, it is unfair to expect angels to emerge from scoundrels when reviewed in the context of the oft quoted political maxim “politics is the last resort of a scoundrel”. Ironic but true that political parties and leaders fail to realize that negative tactics are bound to bounce back on them on the rebound. They need to realize its fallout - chain-cycle reaction at various levels.


A word of caution to those few claiming to be paragons of political virtue and making sermons on cleansing the system of rogue elements. Time is running out to cleanse the system. Coaxed and provoked by leaders in opposition and intellectuals due to what they consider unfair means, people are taking to streets and indulging in hooliganism against the Society and the forces representing the State? In sum, paralysis of the State and the Society on every single issue may be real post 2024 elections.


Any crackdown on violent protests disturbing the peace of the majority would be drubbed as “Repression”.  If the ruling party justifies repression in the name of maintaining law and order, the opposition justifies their onslaught to create paralysis or chaotic conditions of the State in the name of representing the democratic aspirations of the Society, and term it as “Autocracy”, which is the most heinous fraud.


Not surprising, protests have become a common feature of today’s life on one count or another 24x365 days. If people are indulging in physical assaults and increasing violence on the streets, they are not to be blamed. After all, they are only replicating what their leaders do in the parliament and legislatures. Of course, both the ruling party and opposition parties are responsible for the spread of viciousness in the society.


In sum, the political gang rape of democracy is real. No longer, the Society can shirk responsibility by adopting “the legendary ostrich position’. Earlier “We the People” realize that democracy is least suited to large and pluralist societies like India and throw it out of the front door, better are the chances of survival of modern India in its present form and shape. Of course, socialism was discarded in the early 1990s. And, “secularism” is the most abused term in vogue. How foolish it is to say that the basic structure of the Constitution as it was conceived in 1950 has not undergone changes?

Thus, the vital imperative is to usher the “Second Republic” catering to the chemistry of the nation. Of course, it will be resisted tooth and nail by all political parties and leaders in the name of “Save democracy”. Therefore, “We the People” of India can only “Save Democracy”.


Whichever government is formed in 2024 in New Delhi faces hard choices to resolve many challenges – both internal and external.  “Demography is destiny”; just as “Geography is destiny; and History is destiny”. Conjointly, they govern the nation’s course to traverse. Of the three, the most important is the challenge of demographic transformations. Recently, there is growing awareness that the fallout of demographic transformations, particularly due to illegal migrations, can dramatically alter the future course/destiny of nations – identity crises on race, caste and communal lines. India’s partition in 1947 is the best example. Yet another example is the breakup of the Soviet Union in 1989 and Czechoslovakia in 1992.


Next, corruption is the most heinous internal security threat. Yet, none is prepared to counter it. “Zero Tolerance against corruption” is only on paper.  Conjointly, the crisis of leadership is real. Leaders on bail are contesting elections and hailing themselves as saviors of democracy, which is the worst fraud. Wake up Judiciary to take up suo moto actions.


 Furthermore, unemployment is the real challenge due to uncontrolled population explosion during the past 50 years. Unemployment may increase due to the AI (Artificial Intelligence) further replacing human labor. Land bearing capacity is finite only. Natural resources availability is low, particularly due to “Loot” by vested interests in the past 75-years. Human resources quality is low due to poor quality of education and skill development. Revival of job opportunities may be, therefore, slow.


Accept everyone alike that the responsibility for job creation squarely rests both on the Central and State Governments.  No need for indulging in blame games.  The Central Government must announce guidelines granting full freedom and responsibility to the State/UT governments to implement job generation including relaxations as per the ground situation.


As per experts, smart corporations decentralize authority and responsibility and encourage employees to address problems through teamwork, and take an informal approach to assigning tasks and responsibilities. Two principles govern corporate functioning: decentralization and instrumentalism.  Instrumentalism allows for swift adaptation to changing circumstances. In practice, it would mean devolving responsibility from the Central Government to State governments. Appreciating regional knowledge and trusting expert feedback is a better way to handle trouble spots and to defuse crises before they metastasize.  So, the burden of implementing decentralized-cum-incremental decision making also falls on the State governments. No point in laying the blame on the Central Government.  


Spiraling financial profligacy, which is an anathema is yet another key challenge. As per economic experts, the oil bill is rapidly increasing – outflow foreign exchange is real. In contrast, convoy’s with dozens of big cars are quite common with utter disregard to high cost fuel consumption.  Ceremonial functions must be banned or restricted to bare minimum. There are a whole range of measures that need to be implemented thereby diverting funds to development projects. Also, populist policies must be abandoned. Instead, only welfare programs are effectively implemented. 


To sum up, the 60-years old dictum “India is at the cross roads” holds good even today. How the nation would traverse in posterity will ultimately depend on bold decision making reinforced by “People’s Support”.

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