We have always some doubts in investment of ULIPs Policies and Mutual Fund Schemes regarding their importance and return. Both categories have their advantages and disadvantages. We are giving some major differences between both the investment avenues and requesting to all of you at the time of Investment your hard earn money, please take care of objective of both the Schemes.    

MUTUAL FUNDS             
Ø  Returns are higher
Ø  Fund management is active
Ø  Lower distribution fees
Ø  Tax liabilities in some schemes
Ø  Offers a range of products in debt and equity
Ø  Lower returns, but risk, too, is low
Ø  Ideal for long-term investors
Ø  Offers switching between asset classes without any load
Ø  No tax liability
Ø  Security is a big trigger of investing

Ø  A large number of individuals pool their moneys in a single Fund.
Ø  The Funds are invested through the expertise of professional managers in shares and securities.
Ø  The investments made are divided into segments called ‘units’. 
Ø  One can buy or sell any number of units on the prevailing NAV Price
Ø  Mutual fund dividends are tax free.  Growth schemes of mutual fund do not give dividends.
Ø  Encashment of mutual fund units are subject to short term/long term gains as the case may be. Encashment of units under ULIPs is not taxable.  Switching is tax free.
Ø  Mutual fund have liquidity, ULIPs are en-cashable after 3 years.
Ø  Mutual funds do not provide any life cover. ULIP taxes it at a very nominal cost.


Hope this information will help you to choose right investment avenues from Life Insurance and Mutual Funds for investing your hard earn money which will fulfil your desires. Please mail your feedback/comment on the mail


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