Why we have great trust on Life Insurance Corporation of India ?

LIC of India working since 1956 and they gathered their respective position in life insurance field through their hard work and customer services. Why we have great trust on LIC amongst all life insurers? LIC servicing us from last 58th years and they have number of qualities and their qualities proving their geniuses. Here, we are giving some basic facts about LIC and these facts proving their importance and why they are number one position.

LIC have 8 Zonal offices, 100 Divisional Offices and 2048 branch offices.
More than 10 Lacs Insurance Advisors working with LIC
LIC Agents are very dedicated towards the LIC.
55% Life insurance Industry Agents working with LIC
The worth Assets of LIC is Rs. 17.69 lacs crore.
LIC customer base are approximately 30 crores
LIC is not only good in claim settlement but their settlement ratio is 99.60%.
The product of LIC is good as compared to other life insurance companies.
LIC product premium are very reasonable.
LIC Customer services are best amongst Life Insurance Industry.
Government of India has their share in LIC
LIC maintained transparency in their products
LIC governed by LIC Act 1956 and other acts.
LIC reaches in rural areas also
LIC work globally and their offices is in other countries also.
LIC have many National/International awards through their hard works.
LIC technology of customer servicing are very advance.
LIC of India providing many options for premium payment for customers.
Their customer easily can pay their premium timely.
LIC recently completed their 58th anniversary.

The above some are basic features of LIC of India and based on these features anyone can say LIC is the best. There are 24 Life insurance companies working in India, LIC is one of them. Since privatization of Life Insurance Industry LIC made many changes in their working style and also maintained big part of their market share. To giving tough competition to private players LIC recently comes in online product sale mode. If you talk to the general people of India about insurance they will give you only on answer LIC.

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  1. Hello Sir
    Please send me LIC Customer Care Number, i want to know how can i buy an Insurance Policy.. please Sir its urgent...

  2. Dear Sir,
    Please visit following link to get customer care number at your location.


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