How to get all services of LIC policy by Phone 24/7?

Every policy holder of Life Insurance Corporation of India has a BIG question how to get all life insurance services on one phone call. Some customers intended to get services 24/7 from the LIC. Life Insurance Corporation of India now announces phone number one can get all information by calling the number. There are also no time limits to call the number. The services are open 24/7 for all existing customers and new customers.
The contact number is - 022-68276827
One can get all the services by calling this number. Crores of the customers will be benefited from this move of the Life Insurance Corporation of India.  One can get services like Premium due, money back, plan benefits, product information, Agents related information, bonus, surrender value, loan value, nomination, assignment of the policy, maturity benefits, death claim status etc.

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