India is a big country where many kinds of people live but there are certain problems which we face in our Country. We are living in a Country named India it is a big Country but there are certain problems that we face, if we see from the British rule then there were some very intelligent people who helped our country to get freedom like Mahatma Gandhi, Raja Ram Mohan Roy and Dadabhai Naoroji etc.

Dadabhai Naoroji was the first to tell the Indians, the way of swaraj which means self-rules. He said that the Britishers ruled India because the Indians were not aware of their rights and whatever the Britishers said they followed it like – if any Englishman said to the Indians that grow this crop on this land then you will be rich and get the double amount then the Indians followed it because they thought that the Britishers are more intelligent than them and the Indians grow that crop and then there crops and land both get spoiled. If you see the situation is more tragic that the previous government had misled from 1947 to 2013. We were misleading very easily because we are not aware of our rights. In other countries if we see then the rules which were made they are strictly followed in countries like UAE, JAPAN, THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, CHINA, AUSTRALIA, SINGAPORE and other developed countries and if we do not follow these rules then we will be punished and one has to pay a very high cost of fine. In INDIA the story is something else we do the wrong things and nobody says even the government do not say anything. There is a main excuse in India that the work which was plenty from so much then the Indian T.V. reporters and news reporters they are just saying one dialogue that this work was left plenty for so many years then the before government is responsible for that so then why should the upcoming government or present government should worry the old government should only do this work the new government should not worry about the work. But, from the starting of 2014 the work is being done in highly impressive manner under the leadership of our excellent leader and Prime Minister SHRI NARENDRA MODI . We are very lucky to have a Prime Minister like him. No country in the world has a Prime Minister like him. He should win a Nobel Prize for his work.

Now let us come to the main thing that is development and jobs. In big countries like India where the population is also high then the question comes that how the country manages its time and its people. If we talk about then the facilities here are not very nice because people face many problems. We have not seen a government hospital in India with the modern facilities and we only saw some private hospitals with modern facilities and that to most of them being in the urban areas and not in the rural areas so the people in the rural areas face many problems so I think that after reading this column the government will work upon it. Now it comes on jobs we have noticed that from so many days from when ARTICLE 370 is demolished to now the network in the valley is not available from so many days so that is an issue and Pakistan the terrorist nation Prime Minister is saying that he can do a nuclear war so our government must be ready for the war and we are also having a nuclear bomb so if they attack then we should also attack. One more issue is that the government is saying to ban Polythene from the last two months but after a week of ban the Polythene again started to sell in the market. One issue is that in the LOK SABHA and the parliament the politicians especially Rahul Gandhi does not pay attention on an important speech delivered by SHRI NARENDRA MODI but he worked on mobile. So India is a good country overall I am not saying that India is a bad country all of you know that a good can only become best it is an opportunity for India to become the best country. I think that after reading this column the government will work upon the given task that is important.
By - Aayush Mishra
Class - 5th (A)
Tender Hearts School
Mahanagar Lucknow (U.P.)

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  1. The mirror image of government departments of our country. I am also equally concerned about the issues raised by this great prospect of India. Carry on Dear. God bless you

  2. Thank you very much. The thoughts of the young student are mature and balanced, for a person of his age. He needs to be commended for this.

    The student's construction of sentences needs improvement. Some of his sentences are far too long, with punctuation marks missing. But, these can always be corrected. He seems to have a young, bright mind and needs encouragement to build on this.

    Young persons who think like him on a variety of issues, can and will be a great asset for the nation.

    I wish Aayush all success in life.

    With kind regards,

    G Parthasarathy

  3. Excellent..

    Warm Regards,
    Gp Capt DV Arora VSM, Veteran, Mentor
    Founder & CEO-Perfect Solutions
    (HRM,Executive Search , Hospitality ,Legal, Education, & Aviation )
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    - Banarsidas Institute of Catering & Hotel Management , N.Delhi
    - Corporate Affairs and Law & Justice Committees (12-18)-PHD , N. Delhi
    - Consultant-GGM Associates ( Leading CAs Firm ), Gurgaon
    - Mentor .MBA Students of NDIM ( 2015 -19 ), N.Delhi
    Some Select Past Assignments :
    -Senior Advisor- Strategic Plng & Corp Governance--Sahara India, Gurgaon
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    -Head HR & Compliances, Sahara India,Gurgaon.
    -President-HR,Admin ,Liaison,Secretarial,Legal & CSR -AerenR- N Delhi
    -Chief of Protocol...Independent State of Samoa.
    -Chief Coordinator ...Honorary Consular Corps Diplomatique India ,N . Delhi
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    M- +91 9999 19 8000 / 9899 35 8000 /+44 7711 02 2517 / +44 7935 54 6615

  4. Why are you hiding behind a 5th Std kid and take shelter? If you are man enough teach our students to join The Armed Forces rather than spoil their psych the way this article has been written. Questioning any authority is genuine and required of All Indians.

    Who is paying You for sending your letter to Such a Large Group of Addressees?

    Dumb teachers will never teach questioning the authority because Britishers have gone but Stupid Indians are still there who don't ask questions. Asking questions is for Bettering Standards and not make heroes out of criminal MPs and MLAs. Teach the students how to get rid of elected Criminals. If you don't do this You are Anti-National.

    Armed Forces are "Not of Any Political Party" and ISRO too is Indian which has progressed during the past 70 Years. ISI was invited to visit Air Force Station, Pathankot, why? Teach the students about Security and Businesses not to fund elections. Why has Sitharamn permitted civilians to pass through Cantonments? Criminals of Congress Party have not been punished during the Five Years of NM. Why not? Vadera is as free as he was in 2014? Why?

    Teach the kids about unemployment, Falling GDP, hazards like Demonetisation which has turned the daily earners jobless. Teach the kids about inventions and finances. Teach the kids To stay in India for education and not run to Canada, USA, Australia and New Zealand.
    Teach the kids how to take care of Water Problems (Mafia in Delhi), improve healthcare in Mohalla Clinics and Govt Education being better than Public school education and cheaper water and No Increase in Electricity Bills all in Delhi.

    Why has Not a Single MLA of Delhi NOT been Punished?

    Teachers are more important than the parents "If they are Honest and Neutral".

    If you are Man Enough, read these comments during The Prayers of your school for One Month, every day and take a Feed Back.

    Tell the Prime Minister to respect The Faujies and Give 100 % OROP which has been passed by TWO Parliaments. Look at the Super Powers and Advanced Countries The Respect they give to Armed Forces.

    God Bless your Bosses and other Teachers.

    Col Harcharan Singh Bajwa (Veteran).

  5. Namaste Mishara Ji,

    Appreciate Your efforts and this Kid's hard work.

    Brilliant thinking and art of expression.


    Komal S Patel

    +44-753 428 8877

    ॐ सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः सर्वे सन्तु निरामयाः । सर्वे भद्राणि पश्यन्तु मा कश्चिद्दुःखभाग्भवेत् ।

    ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः ॥

  6. Sorry to say, this is not the kind of writing that can get your child anywhere in life. Let him write on subjects he knows and subjects that are fir for his age. In class 5 he wants to start giving lectures to the world ?
    No way to go.

  7. Great work.... Needs some grammatical corrections... But his thought process is commendable. He shall make you proud for sure. @Amit Sinha

  8. Dear Mishraji, I have gone through the article. Coming from a ten year old, I should say it's well written. However, reach him to ensure that he doesn't repeat things over and again. Also please help him understand the use of simple sentences. @Jwahar Lal IRDAI

  9. Heartiest congratulations 2 Master Mishra and all my good wishes for him @R.K. Agarwal
