In November 2019, we got the news that a new virus originated in China's Wuhan city Hubei region. After some time scientists named that virus 'COVID- 19' or Coronavirus. It is named like this because it looks like a crown and it is named like this it is related and is familiar to the SARS virus . 

At first the virus spread only in China. Right now China has more than 85,000 cases and more than 4,000 deaths and this is increasing each day but, the situation is under control now . 

Till November the virus was only there in China but after that the virus spread to other countries including- Japan,USA, Thailand other nation in the world. In March 2020 it entered India with three cases in Kerala all were foreigners. When there were a handful of 200 cases our prime minister Shri Narendra Modi Ji did lockdown to contain the spread of this deadly contagion. 

In the lockdown there was a enormous loss of economy as all business's were shut. But when the cases rose and surpassed China then economic activity were allowed to resume. Nations who had not imposed lockdown have done better then India like- Pakistaan, South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, Japan etc. For each single death there is a huge economy loss. 

There was a bad news when the US criticised the WHO {World Health Organization} for its late response towards handling the crisis and for supporting China. US also stopped funding money to WHO, Like this the full world is fighting with each other. 

There is a disease in India called TB {Tuberculosis} which kills 1200 people in a day and 50 in a hour but there is a medicine then also atleast 2,8,00,000 people in a year we do not pay any attention to it because it is a disease of the poor and not rich. Like this there are hundreds of diseases in India which kill a lot of people. 

We should not worry and learn to live with it . Sometimes the media works very bad and it has made people depressed . This disease is not has dangerous has we think. If we follow all the necessary precautions then there will be no problem and we can start our normal life again. 

Some countries are saying this virus has been made by Wuhan Institute Of Virology it can be true but without doing a international probe we cannot say if it is true or not. This virus is man made because chinese people were eating all species of bat from the past then why this virus did not came before . 

In these times of distress we should help needy and the elderly . With the team work and the powers we can overcome any situation. Then what is this? .

Thanks for reading.

Aayush Mishra
Class 6-A
Tender Hearts School { Senior Wing}
Mahanagar, Lucknow, UP, India

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  1. What mature thinking at such a tender age. Majority of adult population have not been able to analyse the situation like you did.keep it up Aayush you really think deeply and maturely. Well done continue your research on the topic.

  2. What a mature article. Surprised to see knowledge of a student studying in class VI.

  3. Hats off you for your concern in little age.God bless you.

  4. Hats off you for your concern in little age.God bless you.

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