THE UNTOLD STORY OF KASHMIR - Views of 7 class student


Kashmir often regarded as the “Switzerland of India” is popular all over the world not because of its territorial beauty but due to its violence and increasing number of terror attacks which also take the lives of innocent men and women including small children who have played no major or even a simple role in the development of terrorism in that particular region where they belong to or live.

Kashmir has again come into the spotlight due to the film “The Kashmir Files”. It focuses on the role played by various religious groups and politicians like the JKLF (Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front) which on the name of non- violence and that they are the present day “Gandhis” whom the government is not able to recognize.

Throughout this article I will try to inform my readers the real story of Kashmir and to what are the thoughts of a class 7th teenager who will be the future of India in a few years.

First things first Kashmir has always been in the news due to its various terror incidents will leave no respite on the common people. Kashmir has always been attacked under unlawful means by many religious extremist groups e.g.- Jaish-e-Mohmmad, Lashkar-e-Taiba and unnumerable groups big or small. One thing is common that ISIS a terror organization the far middle east which is continuously supplying large number of militants who have been fooled to kill other people on the name that Islam is under threat and there could only be one religion i.e., Islam. It pains my heart to learn that most of the militants are youngsters or in their mid-20’s who have been fooled to die in the name of Islam. This act of stupidness is not only spoiling the name of Islam but also the incidents of harassment against Muslims has increased with a pace of two-fold in past few years. Kashmiri Hindus who consisted a major chunk of the total population of Kashmir before their exodus and mass murders lived in peace with all other religious groups be it Islam, Christianity or any other. In the year 1990 many violent activities took place mainly targeting the Kashmiri Pandits and also the Muslim community of Shias. Mass murders took place and many Pandits were forced to leave their birthplace only because of their religious identity. Is this the secular, democratic India which we want to live in and show the world that our country is secular and that every religion is equal here from the outside but to hide the truth from the inside? Yasin Malik whom we can’t describe the heinous acts he has committed against the people of his very own religion. He was interviewed on live TV not as a terrorist but as a famous celebrity. He also confessed to the fact of killing approximately 20-25 Hindus including his close friends and neighbours. Just can you imagine how much scared and corrupt our media and the government of that time was that they had invited a terrorist. I am repeating again a terrorist who has acclaimed on live television worldwide. I am asking the government where was the U.S.A at that time who had promised India with complete military support in case of any insurgent activity in the valley of Kashmir targeting Hindus and other religious ethnic groups. Manmohan Singh who was the Prime Minister of India during that period didn’t perform a single act to suppress the revolts. To make the fact more complicated and intriguing he himself called and met Yasin Malik in his office. He was a coward and I fully support the fact that it is not wrong to call him a “terrorist”. The conspirators were so heinous that they didn’t even leave the women and small children who were lynched and were kidnapped. Just imagine the pain of the families who lost their dear ones in the massacre. Just imagine the pain and agony which they must have gone through on visiting the same government office for getting compensation for the loss of their kin.  Can anyone do justice to their pain and sufferings? I don’t think that this the type of India that our nation founder and a great freedom fighter Gandhiji had dreamt of!!! India is diverse it believes that everyone has the right to profess, practice and spread their particular region without any discrimination. But their consists a small but a big group of ill-minded and ill-logical people who due to their bad thinking erupt in violence and attack people of other religion. We must not forget the fact the fact that there is only one religion of humanity and to serve other fellow human beings of any religion with full courage. “Jihad” a term often misinterpreted as killing people those who oppose or suppress the growth of Islam has resulted in a large number of Hindus and Muslims. The real meaning is to lead a simple life without hurting others and by giving alms to the poor and helping them in danger. I don’t believe the fact that Islam teaches to kill others under the name of Jihad. Islam is a great religion which I personally believe and they teach the concept of universal brotherhood which is a great concept to end religious revolts if learnt in the right manner.

So, I think that the government must work upon to give full justice to the families which have been betrayed by their own fellowmen and their own elected government. I think leaving shri Modiji and Atalji no other prime minister ever took steps to protect the minorities. The abolition of article 370 A was a great step towards reforming Kashmir further. 

I want a India where people of any religion or caste can live peacefully with each other for millions and millions of years and that terrorists like Yasin Malik and Ajmal Kasab who commit acts of cowardice by hunting down the common innocent people should be sentenced to be hanged or being imprisoned for life without any possible chances of parole. This is because it will teach the smaller terrorists a lesson and they will be scared to do a terror attack.

At last, everyone is equal.

India is the only country where you can chant “Jai Shri Ram” and “Allah-hu-Akbar” at the same time.



Article by Aayush Mishra

Class 7


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