Anti-Hindu presentations in Parliament of World's religions


In spite of most Hindus hesitating to kill harmful mosquetos, and treating the whole world like a family, the Interfaith platforms are used to demonize Hindus or to dilute ongoing terr0rism. Many anti-Hindu organizations and places of worship are openly going after Hinduism and demonizing Hindus, labeling us as killers and terr0rists. 

Two years ago, on the 20th anniversary of 9/11 the worst terrorist attacks, the top 50 Universities across the USA organized a 3-day conference on "*Dismantling Hindutva*". Does it ring anything?

Victim Hindus are portrayed as culprits. And the culprits play a victim card. It is all because of our passiveness and ignoring such chronic issues. How often do we see our people talking about these issues? Most people want to avoid such topics and want to be seen as big-hearted pseudo-seculars! 

Depending only on Modi ji or the government in a secular democratic country is suicidal by itself. They will help, but they have lots of limitations and International pressure!  It is time for all Hindu organizations and Dharmgurus to defend Hinduism. Demonization is the first step to destroying any culture, country, or religion. If we can't defend ourselves, what is the use of our knowledge and wealth? How we are seen by others is sometimes more important than how great we are in reality! Perception matters! If this situation continues, our kids and grandkids will be humiliated for being Hindus and will be forced to hide their Hindu identity even in the USA in less than 10 years!
Please like and share this article highlighting the anti-Hindu bias at POWR (Parliament of World's Religions) held in Chicago from August 14 to August 18. 

Thank You,
-Hemant Patel

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