Stage management should be handled very thoughtfully

There was one thing historic and remarkable in the FIA-Chicago parade on August 5th. President Dr. Rashmi Patel and Executive Vice President Nitin Patel stayed away from the stage. Among all, they were the most deserving officers and should have been on the stage.  Followed by them, most other trustees, executives, and former executives who understood the hidden message stayed away from the stage and mingled with the hard-working volunteers, supporters, promoters, and common people. As far as I know, it never happened before, and it is historic for FIA-Chicago. They did it with their heart without knowing they taught us a great lesson; it sends a very strong message to (well!) those who understand. *I salute them for this initiative.* 

The stage creates a wall between people. It creates complexes between people. Stage management should be handled very thoughtfully.  The stage should be for emcees, performers, speakers, and guests sometime. Stage appearance should be followed by a respectful invitation or escort; not by forcefully hijacking it. It should be earned with respect, not to be grabbed. Very often I have seen people fighting, pushing each other, snatching the microphone from each other. Some people do not want to leave until the stage is physically dismantled. For what?  Going on stage, or photo-ops does not prove anything. People are smart and understand who is who and most often stage-hungry people become laughing stock like party crashers in a private party. They know who deserves to be on the stage. Be passionate, work hard and such stage appearance will follow your work. Then appear on stage with full of pride and dignity. People will love you! 

This is my observation and personal views as a private citizen. 

Thank you
Hemant Patel
August 07, 2023

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