Invest some to save the rest - Hemant Patel


Some of us met Dr. Omendra Ratnu ji today in Chicago. One of those whom I admire the most. I really liked his Dharmans initiative. I am totally convinced. Like other religions, if we Hindus start contributing a minimum of  $10 or 100 INR per month, Hindu dharma that is facing existential threats can be saved. 

Getting everything done through part-time volunteers is next to impossible as volunteers have their families to feed too. So do us! Rather, through monthly contributions we can have full-time devoted salaried employees.  I have started my monthly contribution from today. I urge all of you to set monthly contributions as per your affordability. 

If your dharma is safe, your future generations, country, culture, way of life, festivals, homes, wealth, cars, and temples will be safe! A few dollars a month is not a big amount to save your dharma. Invest some to save the rest!

Here are the links to set monthly contributions:

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