2024 Elections – Do or Die battle before “We the People”


2024 Elections – Do or Die battle before “We the People”


2024 Parliamentary elections, unlike State Assembly elections, is a “Do or Die Battle” before “We the People ''. Their verdict will decide whether the nation will traverse on the course of stability and development or sink, unable to overcome caught entangled in the web of inevitable contradictions due to political instability.


To summarize, few key issues before the people include:


·         Dynastic Inheritance vs. Democracy.

·         “Divide and Rule” policies vs. Unite and Rule.

·         Goal ambiguity vs. Vision and Goal clarity in all fields.

·         Weak vs. Strong leadership.

·         Minority Appeasement vs. Real Equality.

·         Populism vs. Development.

·         Corruption vs. Scam-Free Governance.

·         Poverty vs. Social Justice.

·         Unemployment vs. Employment.

·         Pseudo secularism vs. Hindu Nationalism.

·         Pro-China/Anti US Bonhomie vs. Strategic Autonomy/Multi polarity.

·         Security Dependence vs. Security Self Reliance.

·         Rapid high quality HRD.


 Even others considered significant can be added to the above list. Most importantly, it is important to note that there may be many options or alternatives in each issue that needs to be considered while “We the People” exercise their franchise.


In retrospect, the four key security strategic challenges that are critical for national security and stability are “Demographic Transitions”, “Crisis of Values”, corruption and “Leadership Crises”.


None of the political parties are prepared to squarely address the issue of “Demographic Transitions” – mother of all strategic challenges. Land mass and its bearing capacity are finite only. How can finite landmass with rapidly depleting natural resources bear the burden exploding population?


None is prepared to enforce population control measures to arrest the growth rates of all religious denominations. All alike are waiting for “Divine” intervention to reach hypothetical stationary population by 2050 at nearly over 1.80 billion.


Most importantly, political controversy over the National Register of Citizens (NRC) which is meant to be a register of all Indian citizens whose creation was mandated by the 2003 amendment of the Citizenship Act, 1955. Its purpose is to document all the legal citizens of India so that the illegal immigrants can be identified and deported. No consensus on such critical issue among the political parties at national level.


Yet another irrefutable fact is failure to forge consensus to implement the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) of 2019.


Next, thanks to the greed of political leaders and use of money power to win elections, there is no curtailment of corruption.  In reality, corruption – foster mother of all strategic challenges - has entered the vitals of the society.  “Political Vendetta” is the most invoked term by political leaders when the CBI/ED/IT raids are carried out. Ironic but true, “Law takes its own course”.  And, the corrupt are either out on bail or enjoy “Five Star” treatment in jail.  


Yet another significant strategic challenge to overcome is the realm of “Crisis of Values”. Today, politics is so vicious that there is no place for “Ethics, Morals and Values”. Politics of opportunism in pursuit of power is the sole end objective with utter disregard to values.  Caste and communal consideration besides money and muscle power are the means and ways that sway the voting patterns of “We the People”.


As per Association of Democratic Reforms, out of the 763 sitting MPs in Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha, 306 MPs (40%) have declared criminal cases against themselves. 195 (25%) of MPs have serious criminal cases against themselves including cases related to murder, attempt to murder, kidnapping, crimes against women etc. Ironic that they preside in the so called “Temple of Democracy” as High Priests to enact Laws, which they themselves violate at the first opportunity. More disturbing is to find them living in “Fortresses” protected by security guards at taxpayer’s cost and move around escorted by armed guards in bullet proof cars. And, they invoke “Save Democracy” slogan to fool the “We the gullible People”.


Add to it, the leadership crisis, particularly among the opposition political parties, is real. The battle lines are clearly aligned – Modi vs. the Rest.  Whereas Modi has emerged as a strong leader at the Apex level, leaders of opposition parties are at loggerheads with each other at the State and local levels. The more I reflect the more I am convinced based on past happenings, the leadership crisis will remain endemic.


Finally, some sections of society are overwhelmed by “Emotions and Sentiments” and exercise their votes. The “Wave”, based on the influence of the leader's capability to stir the emotions of audiences to influence their sentiments, also dictates the final choice of “We the People”.


Be that as it may, let me reiterate that the outcome of the 2024 elections will determine the course or fate of the nation.  All those genuinely interested in the nation to traverse on the course of progress and prosperity despite crisis eruptions must spread the message to all alike around them and explain the significance of their voting patterns.


Otherwise, the posterity of the nation's security, peace, progress, development and brotherhood will be at grave risk!!  “Wake Up – We the People of India”: Save Bharat from disintegration.   

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