It is imperative that the BJP failed to meet their own expectations in the 2024 election. Here are the possible reasons and course of corrections by - Hemant Patel Chicago/USA

 June 21, 2024

Dear BJP leadership;

It is imperative that the BJP failed to meet their own expectations in the 2024 election. Here are the possible reasons and course of corrections.

1) To appease those who never vote for the BJP even if BJP brings 7 heavens for them, BJP turned off traditional core Hindu voters! Time to bring Hindus' confidence back! It is a double-sided loss. Those whom the BJP tried to appease voted others and Hindus stayed home!

2)      BJP should not forget that BJP's 2024 victory is because of Hindu votes only. Others never vote for BJP! Many Hindus were upset for not paying enough attention to Hindu issues which resulted in under 400 seats! Otherwise, 400+ was guaranteed! If the BJP does not focus on Hindus' existential issues, Hindus won't vote the next time. It will be the end of Hindu civilization, BJP, and Bharat. A complete suicide for both! Take this seriously!

3)      Hindus are living in a life-and-death situation! The way demography is changing, Hindus do not have many years left! The time has come to do or die!

4)      No matter what; RSS and BJP should work together to save Bharat.

5)      Nupur Sharma who quoted the Quran to counter the insult of Hindu Gods is forced to hide in a black hole, whereas the people who instigate Nupur by insulting Hindu Gods are breathing fresh air. Kanhaiyalal and a few others who supported Nupur Sharma were beheaded. Palghar Sadhus were brutally killed. Injustices create a sense of insecurity and mistrust against the BJP. How long would Hindus tolerate? Why would core Hindu voters vote? What is the difference between BJP and others?

6)      Hindus do not want a special privilege. They only need equality, real secularism, fairness, justice, and security! Is it not the core of democracy?

7)      Several Hindu girls are either killed, rapped, or chopped up in multiple pieces every day. The parents expect strict actions and protection!

8)      Because of unfair treatment during the past few decades, Hindus are forced to live as 2nd or 6th-class citizens! Then why would they vote? The constitution and many personal laws are against Hindus!

9)      If the WAQF is not abolished, Hindus will not have any land left to live in a few years!

10)   The places of worship act must go. It is unfair and unconstitutional.

11)   Why not one nation under one law yet?

12)   Inability of the BJP and the government in their 10 years-long tenure to address chronic issues such as increasing population, rapid changes in demography, UCC, special privileges to certain communities, Hindu temples under government control, taxes on Hindu temples only, and no action on the WAQF board. It discourages core Hindu voters. BJP needs to take action! Nothing is for free! So do Hindu votes. Do not take Hindu votes for granted.

13)   Unfair treatment along with atrocities on Hindus, the majority of Hindus have started to feel insecure in India.

14)   Like other parties, many BJP MPs and MLAs have suddenly become wealthy. They give a bad name to BJP. Like others, they also should be investigated.

15)   400 par Overconfidence created among BJP leaders and voters backfired!

16)   Like Modi ji, Yogi ji, Amit ji, other MPs, MLAs, and other office bearers need to work hard and start contributing.  

17)   Arrogance and overconfidence of middle-level BJP leaders played a huge role in turning off Hindu voters.

18)   The BJP Karyakartas were not protected after the 2021 West Bengal election! Why would they work again for the BJP?

19)   Millions of illegal voters voted against the BJP. They must be deported before the next election.

20)   Political parties’ incentives (or a bribe) to vote or any other such freebies targeted to individuals or groups of people must be banned!

21)   Political parties must prove the source of income to compensate freebies. Khata khat lollypops should be stopped before they take over the next election! Ban all appeasement policies.

22)   Punishment to whoever spreads false information during the campaign!

23)   Sab ka Saath Sabka Vikas are unfair to hard-working nationalists! The BJP should focus on the nationalist citizens of Bharat; not necessarily all!

24)   Bring Hindus out of caste politics and unite them. Work with Dharmgurus to accomplish this.

25) The BJP needs a strong social media team to counter false narratives!

26)   Compared to other minority religions, Hinduism is unfairly covered in textbooks. BJP must take action to give justice to Hindus.

27)   Need strict anti-conversion and anti-love Jihad laws.

28)   The government should Stop enforcing religious Halal products on Hindus. Or force manufacturers to provide other options!

29)   More at


Bharat Mataki Jai,

-Hemant Patel


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