Save Samvidhan (Constitution) and Save Democracy – Fraud on "We the People of India"


Save Samvidhan (Constitution) and Save Democracy – Fraud on "We the People of India"

               Can Rahul Ghandy (RaGa), in his Avatar as the Leader of the Opposition (I.N.D.I. Alliance) in Lok Sabha, by continuing to invoke “Save Samvidhan and Save Democracy” slogans, fool “We the Gullible of India ''?

Surely RaGa knows the reality of “Murder of the Constitution and Democracy” by his Great Grandfather Nehru and, his Grandmother, Indira Ghandy when she imposed the “State of Emergency” on June 25, 1975, citing a "deep and widespread conspiracy" against her government. That She did so at the stroke of midnight hour without seeking Cabinet approval is an irrefutable fact.

For the sake of those born post 1975 (also for RaGa who was just a Kid then), the Preamble of the Original Constitution was drafted by the reduced 299 elected representatives of Constituent Assembly after the partition of India who took almost three years to draft the constitution holding eleven sessions over a 165-day period. It was adopted by the Constituent Assembly of India on 26 November 1949 that became effective on 26 January 1950 is reproduced below:


Let me highlight that originally enacted preamble described the state as a "sovereign democratic republic" ONLY. The preamble was amended only once on 18 December 1976. During the Emergency, Indira Ghandy government through the Forty-second Amendment of the constitution added  the words "socialist" and "secular" between the words ``Sovereign" and "Democratic" and the words ``unity of the Nation" were changed to "unity and integrity of the Nation''.

Surely, Mallikarjun Kharge, the Congress President, who is a veteran of the Congress Party knows that continued recourse to “Save Samvidhan/Save Democracy” slogan and display of the Pocket sized Red Book – childish ploy - would finally end up in a backlash on the rebound.   

RaGa and his coterie must also know that the Congress Party is responsible for many of the  clichés about Indian democracy to include: functional anarchy, “institutional entropy”, among many others.  What happened during the past 74-years is murder and mayhem of democracy with feudalists, more aptly neo feudalists and neo dynasts, reclaiming their status, power and wealth. Booth capturing and poll rigging was common in rural areas during the 1950s till 1990s. Majority of “We the People”, who vote to elect leaders, get lured by money and liquor or afraid of muscle power or polarized by narrow sectarian and parochial views on caste and communal lines. To expect leaders elected by fraudulent means to champion the cause of “Save Samvidhan/Save Democracy” is utter foolishness.

                In reality, the decadence of political culture is truly bizarre.  Greed, fraud and backstabbing are scaling dizzy heights – scams galore. Criminalization of politics is consolidating politicization of criminals. Poll violence is bizarre. Intrigue, inherited  “Hastinapur” ancient heritage, is on display.  Caucus or Mafia governs. Blackmailing, kidnapping and hijacking of MPs/MLAs are common. Unambiguously Indian democracy is outrageous.

           How can any sensible person expect that a gang of criminals ever deliver service to the society and safeguard national interests? In particular, the Judiciary allows them free passage to float around with gunmen escorting them and live in fortress type palaces and enjoying Ministerial posts.

                 In retrospect, the blame squarely falls on “We the People”. For they, albeit mostly educated, still behave with an illiterate mob mentality at the time voting. How relevant is Will Durant who stated that “democracy without education means hypocrisy without limitation; .... .  it means the expensive maintenance, in addition to real ruling class, of a large parasite class of politicians, whose function it is to serve the rulers and deceive the ruled.”

In sum, those invoking slogans like “Save Samvidhan and Save Democracy” must go to lunatic asylum or get checked for mental and moral bankruptcy.  Ipso facto, the Constitution is mutilated beyond recognition.  Lack of understanding of Otto von Bismarck’s intellectual postulations is real that includes: “These powers are travelling on ‘the stream of time upon which they can ‘neither create nor direct’, but upon which they can ‘steer with more or less skill and experience”. In retrospect, Indian democracy can be compared to a “Ship without rudder caught in violent anti democracy tempest about to sink, but somehow remains afloat”.

                India’s pluralist society dictates the course of politics of democracy; or, its curse. How India may emerge as a nation – unified or dismembered - depends on how effectively leadership steers its course by overcoming strategic challenges arising out of vicious social churning and seizes opportunities.

                My guess is good as your guess as to how Indian democracy will transit through its turbulence. All one can do is hope for the best.

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