If you are Agent you must know about "Section 44 of Insurance Act"

Prohibition of cessation of payments of commission

44. (1) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in any contract between any person and an insurance agent providing for the forfeiture or stoppage of payment of renewal commission to such insurance agent, no such person shall, in respect of life insurance business transacted in India refuse payment to an insurance agent of commission due to him on renewal premium under the agreement by reason only of the termination of his agreement, except for fraud:

Provided that-­

(a) such agent ceases to act for the insurer concerned after the Central Government has notified in the official Gazette that it is satisfied that the circumstances in which the said insurer is placed are such as to justify the agent's ceasing to act for him; or

(b)  such agent has served the insurer continually and exclusively in respect of life insurance business for at least five years and policies assuring a total sum of not less than fifty thousand rupees effected through him for the insurer were in force on a date one year before his ceasing to act as such agent for the insurer, and that the commission on renewal premiums due to him does not exceed four per cent in any case; or

(c) such agent has served the insurer continually and exclusively for at least ten years and after his ceasing to act as such agent he does not directly or indirectly solicit or procure insurance business for any other person.

Explanation.—For the purpose of this sub‑section, service of an insurance agent under a chief agent of the insurer, whether before or after the commencement of the Insurance (Amendment) Act, 1950 (47 of 1950), shall be deemed to be service under the insurer.

(2) Any commission payable to an insurance agent under the provisions of clause (b) and (c) of the proviso to sub‑section (1) shall, notwithstanding the death of the agent, continue to be payable to his heirs for so long as such commission would have been payable had such insurance agent been alive.

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