Some Facts about Insurance


Your need for life insurance will change with changes in your life. For example, the arrival of children usually triggers a sharp increase in the amount you will need. As children grow older and leave the nest, you will probably need less protection. You should also consider your life insurance policies as you are planning for retirement.

Term life insurance policies are the least costly. They pay death benefits but have no cash value if you decide to stop making payments. As the word “term” suggests, these policies are in effect for a specific period—one year or until you reach a certain age are common.

Whole life, and other cash value policies combine a long-term savings and investment product with life insurance, Cancelling these policies after only a few years can more than double your life insurance costs.

Medical advances have resulted in greater need for nursing home care and assisted living. Most health insurance plans and Medicare severely limit or exclude long-term care. You should consider these costs as you plan for your retirement.
What type of care is covered?
Does the policy cover nursing home care? What about coverage for assisted-living facilities that provide less client care than a nursing home? If you want to stay in your home, will it pay for care provided by visiting nurses and therapists? What about help with food preparation and housecleaning?

What will the benefit amount be?
Most plans are written to provide a specific Sum assured benefit per day. The benefit about half the nursing home benefit, but some policies pays the same for both forms of care. Other plans pay only for your actual expenses.

What is the benefit period?
It is possible to get a policy with policy term benefits
Is the benefit adjusted for inflation?

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