As we all can see the Corona virus has filled the world with darkness. If we travel the full world we will notice one thing that traffic is not as usual as  it was before due to lockdowns everywhere. In India only we will find all the states are implementing different rules and regulations. E.g. - Punjab has implemented lockdowns on Saturday and weekends and seeing this example other states have also opted this option.


I feel very sad to see the knowledge of the Chief Ministers of all the states who have opted to use lockdowns instead of COVID- 19 protocols. Corona virus is not as deadly as we think because India has seen 34,60,000 cases of Corona virus till now and from that more than 60,000 people have died due to Corona related complications. From this fact we can see that when America reached this level it had seen more than 1 lakh deaths from Corona virus. The government has been conducting testes through Antigen testes only instead of PCR. I know the truth of the government why they are conducting the testes through Antigen because the government is scared of showing the real numbers to the country. 

Antigen tests can give results very quickly but they do not give the correct report always and sometimes the negative reports also come positive. I recommend the government to conduct less tests through Antigen and more through PCR or else Corona virus will reach an advanced level and it will be very difficult for the government to combat the spread of this virus. It will be difficult because the reports can come Positive even if they are negative. The government will not able to track real patients and they will track negative patients instead of positive. The positive cases will spread the virus.


Why does so many people are scared of this virus? Why are some people committing suicide when they are in the hospital and why they are not fighting the virus. Let us see.


1 So many people are scared of this virus because of only one reason that is the news channels and the government. The people are scared because the news channels instead of showing some relaxing news they are so much Corona related news.

2 The people are committing suicides  because there are lack of facilities especially in government hospitals that they are forced to take this extreme step.


The government had implemented a long lockdown to tackle the spread of this virus. I think instead of showing positive results it showed negative results. The lockdowns took the jobs of migrant workers and they were forced to return to their homes as no work was available for them. I think the lockdowns had been implemented to contain the spread of this virus but it increased the pace of the virus. The government closed all the sectors and as a result the economy had to suffer a lot. People lost their lives while going back to their homes. Countries which had not implemented lockdowns are seeing less cases than India. e.g. Pakistan, Sri Lanka etc.


India is a democratic country but I do not think it is as it is not listening the voice of the people.


We should help each other in these times of distress . We are not able to see any example as America has only purchased the full dose of vaccine like this we cannot help each other and the full world will remain submerged in darkness.




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  1. excellent thanks bestwishes=summary>The world is dramastage weare actors Our life is what we do OUR ACT, our daily living is our daily acting role, acting finished means life finished. WE ARE SEEKING SUITABLE BRIDES FOR OUR TWO SONS, OUR GOAL IS TO ENABLE THEM REACH FULL TRUE HIGHER POTENTIAL, FUTURE PRESIDENTS OF USA. I was fired from AT&T Bell Labs in 1992 scientist engineer, it was big shock for whole family, in India too. interviews for new jobs blocked. although in shock wife worked from low level hard work later promoted, children targeted.  my email mobile +17329389686also please feel free to visit my public instagram is @thirumalaraya and many posts since 2016 or so=ps:dear all,Our goal is to enable our two sons Kaviraj and Shilpi to reach their higher full true potential, provide their leadership, make their contributions as future presidents of usa and world leaders. This will be needed by the country usa, the people of usa, the whole world (including india), in the rapidly changing, transforming world. It is in the nature of truth, nature of nature, nature of humanity, and is the only way forward. We are also seeking suitable brides for them, our two sons. I am telling the whole world, seeking a helping, facilitating, encouraging, good vibes, supportive type role. Basically the boy and the girl have to talk to each other and if they like each other, respect each other, willing to support each other, and wish to go ahead for marriage, then we bless. Thanks much
    2019 June 15
    Me: Beautiful.
    Although in severe shock and great stress, we have faced the challenges and moved forward crossing the barriers, biases, impediments etc that came before us, ... it was tough, not easy, for my wife and sons and the others also ... I brought up my two sons Kaviraj and Shilpi as future presidents of usa, with that attitude/ outlook/ mindset, supporting and encouraging the leadership nature already in them. They are born in usa, grew up in usa and consider themselves as Americans. The country, the people and the whole world including India where we parents are originally from will need their leadership and contributions to go forward towards better future vision in true spirit of America. It is the nature of truth, nature of nature, nature of humanity. It is the only way. There is no other choice. Actually, we do not need a different choice. Because, it is also the best way. Perfect for America and the whole world. Nothing else can be better, however you may look at it. Best wishes. Aummmm....
