One new disease emerged in the Wuhan region of China and it has left the full world shocked and devastated. It started in November and from then it has affected more than 3 crore people worldwide and also killed more than 1 million people. Although it is not very dangerous as we think but can become very much dangerous and explosive if people do not follow the precautions. Right now in India also it has affected more than 60 lakh people and killed more than 95 thousand people. Some experts are also saying that a second wave of corona can also come in the winter season.


When at first the corona came we were not paying any attention towards it and thought that it is a minor disease. Our prime minister Shri Narendra Modi Ji announced a 21 day lock-down in march to tackle the spread of Corona-virus and since then the lock-down started. Corona has already now become much more deadly and dangerous as the case positivity rate has risen leading to dangerous outbreak of the virus. I am thinking that the lock-down has brought negative results instead of positive as during the lockdown the economy came into recession and suffered from a tragic slowdown.


All the sectors were badly damaged due to lockdowns in every state and millions of people were pushed into poverty and many more lost their jobs and their means of livelihood was snatched owning to the tremendous economic damage and slowdown which pushed them to quit their jobs and return to their native places. The migrants ran to their homes and in this process so many got infected with the virus and also came in contact with so many other people. The countries who have not imposed lock downs have performed better than India. The government is only focusing on Corona-virus right now and rest all the diseases have become more severe and have started to infect people and a very fast and alarming rate.


Corona-virus has changed the full world and the world is divided into two parts post corona and after corona. From doing zoom classes to working from home it has changed the perspective on how we look on things. People are eagerly waiting for a vaccine and the full world scientists have been roped in to make the vaccine. Everyone knows that it will take few years to make a reliable vaccine but, do we have to sit in our homes till the vaccine is made? Absolutely not . We will go out and start our work as normal but, there will be one difference that we have to follow all the precautions related to corona because even a single laxity can infect many people.


We have to follow all the precautions related to covid-19 like go out from home only when important, always wear a mask, be socially distanced , but we should always remember one thing that social distancing does not mean that we have to not to talk to each other whereas it means we have to maintain a 1 meter distance from due to the Coronavirus.


Always remember one thing that we should not stay away from a corona patient instead we should help him/her. We will only win against this disease if we fight as a whole.


Class V1 Student



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