5 to 10 Hindu girls are abducted, converted, raped, chopped up, or killed on a daily bases. Attached is a small list of 1,100+ cases of atrocities on Hindus in India and Pakistan collected within the past 2 years. Also, there is a list of 2,419 terrorist attacks that resulted in 5,595 killings in Bharat in the past 22 years. It is not complete; it's a drop in the ocean.  

If these lists do not shake our human soul, nothing will.  Shree Ram will not be happy even after we build glorious temples, reach a $5 trillion economy, and do all other community events/ sewas,  but do not do anything to stop innocent Hindu girls from being abducted, killed, chopped up, beheaded, or raped inspired by religious ideology. It is them today; if we do nothing, our family and temple could be the next. Our passiveness is their motivation and the strength. The time to step up and speak out is now. Enough is enough! 

Please forward this to all Hindu leaders, Dharmgurus, associations, the UN, human rights, politicians, MPs, MLAs, and other influencers. Slap this list on someone like CNN who talks about Muslim or minority persecution in India. Tell them it is exactly the opposite! Hindus are persecuted in India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh.  Also, this message should reach all Hindu, Sikh, Buddhist, Jain, and Christian girls and parents. Wake them up before it gets too late!

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