Politics is a vicious game; be it Monarchy or Autocracy or Democracy (with Many Faces).

Why  is the Politics of democracy a vicious game?  Because, it is in pursuit of the Throne -  Game of Thrones. "Aye Rams, Gaye Rams" are in all political parties. Reality - “Where elections end, there slavery begins in democracy” - anonymous.

There are "No rules in the Game of Thrones". Ideology of power grabbing is only relevant. It is a "No Holds Barred Contest".  Those who opt for politics as a profession would like to sit on the "THRONE" by "Hook or Crook".  "Cut Throats" are everywhere.

Democracy in practice is imposed from top by a few autocrats (High Commands), Neo Maharajah’s, masquerading as democrats, criminals and mafias with all other institutions toeing their line.  Those entrenched fear that the pace of change may also displace them?

In today's Indian, Kleptocracy and mobocracy are on the rise. Mob’s are on rampage everywhere, incited and instigated by political leaders claiming to be championing their cause.

How can one otherwise explain the "No Holds Barred" vicious contest on display even with restrictions in place due to Covid-Omicron" pandemics in Sovereign, Democratic Republic" India? No place for ethics, morals and values. "In the Service of the Society" is the worst fraud.

In retrospect, how true was Plato, Socrates disciple, who pontificated over 2300 years ago (Republic, VIII, Sections 562b-563e) “democracy ruins itself by excess of democracy. …Mob rule is a rough sea for the ship of state to ride; every wind of oratory stirs up the waters and deflects the course. The upshot of such a democracy is tyranny or autocracy.”

However, in "Islamic Republics" like Iran with "Theocratic Constitution" the final power and authority rests on the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran, called the Supreme Leadership Authority - a lifetime position.   

Many historic examples can be cited wherein "Sons/daughters killed Fathers", "Brothers killed Bothers, Cousins, sisters, uncles and so on. For example, in the Greek creation epic, Cronus killed or castrated his father Uranus to usurp his domination of the universe. In turn, he was overthrown by his son Zeus. Apsu, in the Babylonian creation epic the Enûma Elish, was killed by his son Ea. And, Pelias was killed by his daughters, who were deceived by Medeainto thinking he could be resurrected.

Few out of many examples in Indian history include: Bimbisara, king of Magadha, was executed by his own son, Ajatashatru, and Ajatashatru was killed by his own son, Udayabhadra; Rana Kumbha, the King of Mewar kingdom, was killed by his son Udai; Udai was killed 5 years later by his younger brother Raimal; Khusro, son of Jahangir plotted twice to kill his father but failed and eventually was killed by his brother Shahjahan; and so on.

Add to it, the study of History of Mankind's wars clearly reflects that many campaigns were waged and rival kings killed or exiled for the sake of enlarging and exercising power over vast tracks. More shocking it may be viewed even Jesus was crucified on the Holy Cross by Jews. Hussein and his family. Worst still if Prophet Muhammad's grandson Hussein and his whole family were murdered ruthlessly at the battle of Karbala. In Wikipedia, the list of 35 Indian politicians killed is available in public domain.

In sum, the vicious "Game of Thrones" even in the name of democracy either in the oldest democracy (USA) or in the largest democracy (India) is inherited mankind's historic legacy. 

Today, the usual diatribe by political leaders and parties is "Law to take its own Course". Most farcical that Political leaders and parties also invoke that "Voters are the ultimate Judges in real democracy."  Conveniently, they forget that elected representatives are the "Lawmakers" as per the Constitution. And, they fail to reach consensus through debate and conciliation to throw the present electoral system into the dustbin of history by replacing it with a more realistic electoral system that exercises strict control to debar crooks and criminals to masquerade as leaders. And, "Judicial Activism" on such a critical issue can be compared to "Ostrich like posture" instead of taking suo moto notice.

The blame squarely rests on "We the People". Some realities of social context and content include: increasing polarization on caste, ethnic, class and communal lines swayed by sentiments and emotions (mob mentality) due to information revolution (Media and Social Media); ascendency of social issues over economic and political issues; loss of People’s faith in their leaders; urban and rural voter divide; skeptical middle class; appeasement of minorities (vote bank politics); and so on.

One rural voter succinctly highlighted “Today those who cry hoarse ‘zindabad’ also cry hoarse “muradabad” on the next day. Provoked by leaders rejected at the battle of ballot box in opposition and intellectuals suffering from deprivation psyche syndrome, people are taking to streets and indulging in hooliganism against the Society and forces representing the State. Paralysis of the State and the Society on every single issue is a recurring feature. Its fallout is chaos and anarchy.

 Contestants always used "Money and Muscle Power" to score victory at the battle of the ballot box. Even in the American political system, acclaimed as a model liberal democracy, Washington spent his entire campaign budget — 50 pounds — on 160 gallons of liquor served to 391 voters. The custom of buying votes with booze was one of the English traditions imported to the American colony.

Elections are spread all round 24x365 days. In retrospect, it is perpetual electioneering day in and day out for one post or another in some part of the country. Carnival and a cantankerous atmosphere prevails. Reforms, therefore, are mostly peripheral and do not address fundamental issues. No takers for Modi's "One Nation, One Poll" reform.

 Be that as it may, credibility of elections is a bogey. Reforms continue to be cosmetic. Lack of political consensus and will. Since 1990, there have been at least seven comprehensive government-commissioned reports.  Yet, reforms implemented till date are restricted to introduction of EVMs, voter ID cards and holding elections in phases to ensure fool-proof security.

 Of all the recommendations, the most important ones to be passed priority wise as laws include: Limiting number of terms to "2" to reduce propagation of dynastic inheritance; Debarring criminals convicted undergoing sentences in Jail,  on Bail and with criminal charges pending in the courts; Anti-Defection Law; Disqualification of a Person Found Guilty of Corrupt Practice; Restricting Number of Seats from which One can contest; 33% reservation for women; reservations for other weaker sections; Derecognition of large number of political parties from the existing size of 7 national, 54 State level and 1334 registered unrecognized parties; Replacement of the ‘First past the Post’ by “second preferential vote’ practice based on first past the 50% of vote’s polled/eligible or appropriate ‘Party List’ system; etc.

It is naïve to expect political leaders of all hues to reach consensus on the definition of rules governing "Electoral Reforms".  What is needed is "Revolutionary Reforms" in electoral processes which will certainly be opposed "tooth and nail" by those entrenched and enjoying power at various levels.

Quite a few eminent persons suggest state funding of elections to overcome anomalies in the conduct of elections. It reflects intellectual bankruptcy.  The issue of determining election expenditure is not easy. The total numbers eligible for state funding would be mind boggling: 545 Lok Sabha MPs; 245 MPs Rajya Sabha; 4129 MLAs; MLCs; 641 Zilla Parishad ; 5542 Mandal/Taluk/Block Samitis; and more than 2.4 lakh Gram Panchayats covering more than 5.8 lakh villages and nearly 99.6 percent of rural population. Add to them, 3540 Urban Local Bodies like Corporations, Municipalities and Nagarpalikas with 68,554 seats.

The prescription in the Preamble of the Constitution is "Sovereign Democratic Republic" is " WE, THE PEOPLE OF INDIA, having solemnly resolved to constitute India into a SOVEREIGN. SOCIALIST SECULAR DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC" Hardly there is enlightened debate on their import.

As per few scholars, the term ‘democracy’ by original conception indicated political democracy and the word ‘republic’ indicated a new kind of society that had a democratic culture.  More importantly, the term "republic" was intended to describe India’s newfound ability to choose her own leaders through democratic means.

Democracy was therefore subsumed within the term republic. But republicanism also encoded a notion of citizenship that existed not only between State and citizens; but between citizens. And, the word republic was a reminder that fraternity and democratic culture could not be achieved without energetic engagement by the people who had to be active citizens in a political democracy with responsibilities towards each other.

The role of citizens in a ‘democracy’ is thus different from their role in a ‘republic’. In the former, they are rights-bearing citizens who become intensely visible mainly at elections as ‘voters’. Ordinary citizens are not the players, they are the crowds who are largely passive except to cheer and boo.  In a republic by contrast, citizens need to be constantly vigilant, take initiative, be public spirited, create solidarity with other citizens beyond their own social group, care for their institutions and remain attentive to the sort of society they are creating. As Aristotle put it, “One citizen differs from another, but the salvation of the community is the common business of them all.” In a republic, citizens are vigilant but not vigilantes.

Democracy today, envisages, therefore, a much bigger role for the citizenry. The time is not very far when a more vigilant citizenry will demand much greater accountability from the representative institutions and their members. Time is ripe for institutions of ‘right to recall’ to ensure accountability of the members of our democratic institutions at all levels, before the common man gets totally disillusioned with the prevailing mess or chaos.

And finally, by studying both democracy and republic, we expand our definition of what is political by recognizing that politics is not only about competition and winning, but also about creating and preserving. A citizens’ group has, therefore, argued that ‘Reclaiming the Republic’ is important for reclaiming democracy itself.

Article by Brig (Retd) G B Reddy Sir

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