BUDDHISM IN KASHMIR - Amrit Ratna Tuladhar



Amrit Ratna Tuladhar

Gorkhaland Supporter



The State of Kashmir has been referred to as the "Paradise of India." Thus the Paradise of India must not get lost nor get vanished from South Asia on the long run at all. It is the precise duty of all of us true Asians to save it forever. Even in the sweet dream of Lord Buddha, his head rests on the Pamir Knot, his right hand rests on the Sea of Arabia, his left hand rests on the Sea of Bengal and his two feet rest on Ceylon. Therefore all of us are supposed to understand the lofty importance of South Asia facing the equator. Hope all of you bonafide ladies and gentlemen would treat my feature article as a special File of Kashmir. The Buddhists would naturally call Kashmir the Shangri-La or even the Shambha-La to some. However, there occur who maintain otherwise simultaneously. They regard the Shangri-La or the Shambha-La as the "Ultimate Haven" or the "Valley of the Blue Moon" or the "Valley of Enchantment" or the “Fountain of Youth” or the “Utopian Land” or the "Land of Plum Blossoms." We the south Asians are bound to bring the Shangri-La or even the Shambha-La to global limelight. Wish Kashmir had also been the serene premises where the honey bees have lost their stings, where the roses grew without any thorns, where the reptiles have lost their venoms.      


There exist two ancient civilizations in the Great Continent of Asia. They virtually include: the Indian civilization which took place historically in South Asia and the Chinese civilization which took place historically in North Asia, you see. All of you beloved brothers and sisters are held solely responsible to pay top devotion to Kashmir to our mutual benefits by all means. The "Pamir Knot" stands tall and majestic as the Roof of the World whence BUDDHA --- Sagarmatha 8,848 m. DHARMA --- Karakorum 8,611 m. SANGHA ---Kanchenjunga 8,586 m. flank towards the east and the west or towards the left and the right in a serial manner. Sagarmatha and Kanchenjunga lie amongst the Great Himalayan Ranges whilst  Karakorum alone lies amongst the Great Sulaiman Ranges. Four big shots like Emperor Ashok (of India), Emperor Kanishka (of India), Rev. Huen Sang (of China) and Monk Hyecho (of Korea) have bothered a lot to support Kashmir towards a more meaningful direction. The former two were virtually orthodox Hindus by religion and Chhetris by any caste who belonged to the warrior class of course. Can you ever imagine that these two monarchial figures in event got converted from Hinduism to Buddhism straight? They both happened to embrace authentic Buddhism all for the sake of bringing universal peace. The cosmic philosophy they professed was Thervad in particular indeed.


Lord Buddha is not only the Light of Asia, but also the Messenger of Global Peace. He is the Apostle of Peace. He is the Advocate of Peace. He is the Foremost Scientist on Earth. Huen Sang of the 7th Century A.D. was a famous Buddhist pilgrim who hailed from China to have called in Kashmir to study the Buddhist philosophy in detail. He reported to Kashmir after having roamed around the different countries and towns of the Middle East. He launched a deep study to concentrate on Buddhism for two consecutive years, from 631 A.D. to 633 A.D. that is. He then observed that the religion of Buddhism had made rapid progress in the capital city of Shreenagar. He also alleged that Buddhism had highly developed in Kashmir as has been in the State of Bihar where Shakya-Muni Buddha himself had spent his long years to propagate the Thervad doctrines all around for sure. As a matter of fact, the Chinese traveler had praised much on discovering that the citizens of Kashmir became the decent followers of the Buddha Dharma, you see. He was alerted by the monasteries hundreds in number, the presence of five thousand Bhikkhus and the four stupas believed to have been built by Emperor Ashok the Great. He also witnessed the other Vihars erected far and wide which in event was the sincere effort of Emperor Kanishka himself. Huen Sang sadly passed away at the age of sixty-two.


The same way, contemplating on the Buddhist philosophy professed by the lay-disciples or the lay-men of Kashmir in the vicinity of the 8th Century A.D., the Korean monk namely Hyecho has also taken the chance of highlighting the current religion put to modest practice. In 781 A.D., he started his auspicious journey from China which lasted from Arabia to south-east Asia, you see. He has also shed light on the religion professed by the residents of Kashmir. According to his sublime narration, it is fully evident that the king, the courtiers and the peoples of Kashmir all bore a colossal faith on the Tri-Ratna or the Triple-Gem or even the Three-Jewels to some. King Dragon of the period concerned served all the Buddhist monks or the novices or the capers or the hermits or the saints or the sages or the mendicants or the friars or the priests or the ascetics or the seers or the recluses a wholesome meal together every day. It was an act of charity and humanity to earn merits setting towards the right "karma." There were Bhikkhus of the saffron robe as well as the Lamas of the maroon robe who took diligent care of their Vihars and Gompas. In other words, the two holy sects of Hinyan and Mahayan were in good terms very competitively. They got along very smoothly without any dispute or hostility at all. Today the University of Kashmir has prescribed the authentic course of standard Buddhist Studies also meant for those enthusiastic candidates pursuing higher degrees of the seminary level and of the varsity level together.


Geography of Kashmir had been prescribed a compulsory subject back in my high school, you see. Many home tasks were too virtually assigned every night regarding the discipline of geography on Kashmir. The topography of Kashmir appears to be brilliant for everybody's sake. The bitter season of winter makes Kashmir a pure snow-land indeed. Even William Shakespeare alleges: "Blow, blow thou winter wind; thou art not so unkind; as man's ingratitude." The state is always blessed with evergreen forestations, perpetual rivers, mesmerizing hills, snowy alpines, enchanting valleys, blissful lakes, grassy meadows, glamorous water-falls, glacial snow-falls, mouth watering orchards, etc. Never forget that an apple a day keeps the doctor away. Skiing has formed to be a favorite sport of Kashmir for many who have really poured their interest in. Grab the sheer advantage by all means. The colorful gardens are permanently adorned with grand floriculture. Besides, one could also liberally hang around or roam around the beautiful vales, dells, villages, hamlets, groves, streams, rivulets, woods, jungles, hillocks, mounds, ponds, pools, quarries, fruit yards, kitchen gardens, etc. that Kashmir has to offer us. Needless to remark, Kashmir is a land of horticulture as well embracing the three vivid fields of Fruit Science, Flower Science and Vegetable Science absolutely required by every mankind. The old saying goes --- "Green forest is the wealth of Kashmir." They are all God given natural gifts by all means. Never miss the pristine world nestled within Kashmir at all.  


Renowned ecologist around the world like Robert Fleming (an American) was decently in favor of Kashmir and has faithfully authored a genuine book entitled “The Birds of Kashmir.” This is a top honor dedicated to Shreenagar indeed. As such, this falls to be a suggestive territory where sentient beings can practice serene meditations and retreats. Please do realize that Shreenagar can feasibly be reached by surface route, rail way and flight service whence one can set out to their choicest destinations indeed. Thus there include these three popular facilities diligently waiting for us. In the mean time, nature worship is also to be counted --- the wonder that was Kashmir, the glory that was Kashmir, the pride that was Kashmir. Obviously, it is a heaven on earth for all domestic and foreign tourists indeed. It is a tranquil land meant for the sake of holiday makers where you fetch a better appetite for a while. It is also desirable for all to call in Kashmir for spending their vacations once in their life period. The progressive producers and directors of feature films plus documentary films had been relying upon unique Kashmir for any technical shooting for the case of hit and super-hit movies. Nepal had too in the past been depending much upon marvelous Kashmir for two vivid examples. They virtually include the subsequent importation of textiles and saffron of top quality.


They insist that the last rites of Jesus Christ were performed in Kashmir. Only heaven knows the ritual truth, you see. Whatever, they claim that Jesus Christ also stole the rich tenets of Goutam Buddha for fostering his humble preaching all around. Whatever Kashmir stands as the right destination for all domestic citizens and aliens to pay loyal homage to Lord Buddha. Take a liberal moment to conduct some pilgrimage package. It is absolutely worth to commit so. The fervent prayer of Om-Mani-Padme-Hun ought to keep ringing in our ears in a permanent manner. Learn to be blessed by the High Lama called the Rimpoche. Get acquainted with his Lamasery for a while. Hear the wind blow and see the prayer flags fluttering all around, from tree to tree and across the terrace. All Buddhists are required to unite may they differently profess Bajrayan, Mahayan or Hinyan doctrines on the long run. Assertively, Kashmir is dotted with Vihars and Lamaseries, numerous in number. The modern nomenclature of Kashmir itself is an Urdu term. In today’s context, Kashmir belongs to India but the majority of population belongs to the Muslims. However, we all of different faiths equally have the ample right to share the Muslim vocabulary. Let us not either nurse a grudge on the mosques that have been erected in Kashmir. The political climate of Kashmir keeps on changing which nobody can deny at all. Therefore it is our due duty to preserve Buddhism in Kashmir. Because of the rude and cruel Muslims, the cunnings foxes for sure, Kashmir at present has slightly turned out to be a “Nest of Spy” rather. Kashmir remains next-door to Pakistan --- an Islamic nation and an undeniable enemy of India. Hence it is pretty common that the non-Muslims have to encounter unbelievable problems and barriers from time to time.


According to a hearsay rumor, the Hindu and Buddhist civilization had spread all around Kashmir very well and it was the obnoxious Muslims afterwards who encroached the territory of Kashmir most unlawfully. However it is also very difficult to trace the relevant history of Kashmir before the invasion of Kashmir imposed by the Hindus themselves. It somehow proves that the Muslims have always been the bitter foes of all the other religious groups that are available on earth. They launched a sinister attack on wonderful Kashmir. Later we also find that the Hindu rulers of Kashmir never envied Buddhism, you see. Or more accurately, they side by side respected and honored Buddhism as well. During the 7th and 8th Century, the Karkota dynasty reigned Kashmir from 625 A.D. to 855 A.D. Lalitaditya Muktapida of the same dynasty (724 A.D. to 760 A.D.) extended a lot of cooperation in the rapid spread of Hinduism. Yet confidentially it is trusted that he further erected Buddhist religious sites as well. He never knew how to mistreat his Buddhist subjects at all and constantly bore Dharma in mind. Islam is much a newer religion than Hinduism and Buddhism on this planet. Therefore it is evidently seen that the Hindus and Buddhists have entered Kashmir long before the subsequent arrival of the tough Muslims.   


What a colossal pity that by today the Muslims have overtaken all the mild Buddhists and all the sober Hindus of Kashmir. How unfortunate for us all indeed. I doubt if the Buddhist monks or the novices or the capers or the hermits or the saints or the sages or the mendicants or the friars or the priests or the ascetics or the seers or the recluses learnt any Martial Arts for their own self-defense policy at all. The Chinese, the Japanese, the Koreans possess their own technical methods, you see. Philosopher Confucius said --- “The essence of knowledge is, having it, to apply it.” The same way, the Shaolin Temple said --- “The essence of martial arts is, having it, to practice it.” The Chinese grasp Kungfu, whilst the Japanese grasp Karate and the Koreans grasp Tai-Kwan-Do. By the way, learning martial arts is not sinful at all. It is definitely an Un-Armed Combat (U.A.C.). In China, Japan and Korea, all Buddhist monks and nuns and lay-disciples are obliged much to garner the knowledge of martial arts to be utilized in a sensible style only. They make it a sheer desire for the rest of their life, you see. It is a physical exercise conducted daily as well in order to stay clean, healthy and sanitation conscious. In this case also, it gives them a better appetite and appears to be their personal benefit by all means.


Had not the impudent Muslims intruded into Kashmir, it would have remained a territory of sound peace forever. The Muslims often act as the undeniable terrorists in the world. The Buddhists and Hindus of Kashmir are together the beloved brothers and sisters for sure. Although myself a Tour Guide Lecturer blessed with an authorized license officially have not been able to feasibly pay a modest visit to Kashmir for fear of being kidnapped some way or other. What to talk of handling any other package groups at all! Remember Jawahar Lal Neharu, the son of Moti Lal Neharu who is believed to be one of the richest men of India? Neharu in event is the first Premier of new India. Incidentally, he was sworn in as the Prime Minister on the 15th of August 1947. As an orthodox Hindu by religion and a pure Brahmin by caste, he did hail from Kashmir. It is later only that he and his family migrated down south to Allahabad. There must retain a certain reason behind to make such an inland move, you see. Wish His Holiness Venerable Nichidatsu Fuji of Japan of the Far East called the Great Land of the Rising Sun also had erected a World Peace Pagoda in Shreenagar of Kashmir for the ultimate welfare of the multitude, for the ultimate happiness of the multitude. I am afraid, gone are the days of course.  


Then approached the immediate downfall of Buddhism which in event was caused by “Adi Shankaracharya” himself by all means. As a Vedic philosopher, he had lived in Kashmir from 788 A.D to 820 A.D. at the time when Buddhism was flourishing very well in the sub-continent. The Buddhists stood at the zenith of their religious career. By the way, the Nepalese but have their own version personally. He was found in Nepal during the session of 478 B.C. for the sheer case of attacking Buddhism. It is said that he cast stringent jealousy upon Buddhism and its faithful followers. His ambitious plan was to promote the knowledge of oriental Vedic to his followers and also in the mean time to destroy Buddhism out of his tantric power. Hence the former task just shows up to be an act of pretence. It is considered that he entered the cosmic soils of Kashmir for committing this strange purpose after all. According to the historical chronicle of Utpal Dev, it is revealed that he wandered here and there to ruin Buddhism which was emerging vastly. He traveled everywhere to defeat the Buddhist intellectuals in any hot arguments out of his tantric energy, you see. However there also arise several debates on his days he spent in Kashmir. Did he have an army as well? No sound proof has been recorded so far. The Nepalese Buddhists and the Tibetan Buddhists allege that he reported to Nepal and Tibet turn by turn. After trying to foil Buddhism in Nepal as much as possible, he then further ventured up magnetic north to spoil Buddhism. The furious Khampas of Lhasa lost their temper and gave him a dreadful chase. They would not spare him at all. He fled at full speed out of his tantric "shakti" the consequence of which he hit a large rough rock, fell back and got killed spontaneously. Thus he got paid fairly. I am afraid that was the end of Adi Shankaracharya. Therefore we are obliged much to realize that the Indian devil Adi Shankaracharya of south India gave fearful troubles to Kashmir, Nepal and Tibet respectively. Let us not forget these three historical incidents of hazard or peril at all till death do us apart.



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